I’m looking at programming in a new light now. How do they select the contestants for their challenges? Everyone knows that the Food Network has been looking to change their programming to attract a younger audience. How will the audience connect with Blacks, Latinos, Gays, French (by association), Texans (even transplants), tall, short, big or small? Apparently, Afro-Americans did not give a lot of feedback, they were both chopped early. The model from Brazil, they already had Giada, so looks were not that important. The hunk from Michigan, it worked in the beginning, but soon played out. Contestants that really knew how to cook – gone. Healthy cooking – they already had Ellie Kreiger and she is good.
Texans – Big and bold food (beef). Not this year.
Latinos apparently have a really big market share.
French cooking, it didn’t work last year and it almost didn’t work this year, but America voted. (The Next Food Network Star)
The Gay from L.A., the majority of fans loved Paul. (Food Dudes) (I was really hoping that Paul was one of the Dudes)
Everyone loved Tommy, I’m watching for a show called the “Big Happy Chef”.
Are more shake ups in the offing? I’ll let you know as soon as I know.
From now on when Food Network starts to advertise a new show, I’ll start looking for the reason why.
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